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注册时间: 2005-05-17
帖子: 1421
来自: 常德,石门(英语营营长)

第 1 楼 发表于: 2006-03-02 12:21:36    发表主题: 3月4日/周六晚免费英语沙龙引用并回复

Warming up
McD's a large fast food chain of restaurants that can be found all over the world. Their food is very popular and their restaurants are always full of custcomers. One day you hear that your quiet area is to have a large new McDonald’s restaurant built in the main street. It will replace a Chinses restaurant that serves the traditional food of your area. Think about whether you would lke to have such a restaurant or not, and think of a reason to support your idea. It is important for you to give your real opinion so that you can see whether it changes after doing this exercise.

I would/would lnot like to have such a restaurant in our area because……..

Reading task
There are speakers: One for and one against building a McDonald’s restaurant.

For building a McDonald’s
I was excited when I heard that our community was to have its own Mcd’s restaurant. I thought about all those young people who would not have to go to the next community to buy their favourite burgers and chips. Mcd’s cares about healthy eating too and works with scientists to provide food that is of high quality, safe and healthy . It is also cheap. They often provide salads as well as burgers and chips. You can also choose between cola and milk shakes . of course it also means more work for the community and being a good neighbour. So I think they will be concernerd about providing parking for the cars in our main street, Many of our young people will only too happy to work for it. They make a promise to the people that work for them. They say , “ We value you, your growing skills and your help to the company .” I can see nothing but good if this company comes to build its restaurant in our town.

Against building a Mcdonald’s
I am very worried about Mcd’s building a restaurant in our community. We are a small community and we enjoy our local dishes. I am not sure if McD’s food is as healthy as they say in their advertisements. When scientists look at it carefully they find high levels of fat, sugar, and salt. This is very worrying. Too many young people are getting fat through eating too much fatty food McDonald’s is not giving young people a good idea of what a healthy diet should be. Local Chinese food , on the other hand , is full of fresh vegetables and fresh meat and fish. The food at a Mcd’s restaurant is always the same so I wonder if it is made or brought in from elsewhere. Although it is freshly cooked, it must be less healthy than our own locally grown and cooked Chinese food.
I also worry about all those cars bringing people to buy food in MCD’s . First , there would be petrol fums, which would make our clean air dirty. Second , there is the problem ofall those cars that try to park and prevent other cars from moving quickly through our community. Third, what will happen to all the food containers if people decide to eat on the side of the road just out of community?
Will they just throw them on the ground?
I’m sure many young people would be happy to work for MCD’s but will they be treated fairly ? In America, MCD’s does not allow Unions to operate in its restaurant and these are people who speak up for the workers , if , as they say , the workers are happy with them why should they should they fear some workers joining a Union?
So when I consider the food, the cars and the jobs, I think we should not allow MCD’s to build their restaurant in our town.

Speaking task
Now discuss what you have learned from the passage in group of two or four, Two or one of you argue for building the restaurant and two or one against. Try to persuade others to change their minds The following may be useful to you.
“ I don’t agree of course not all right that’s a good idea I don’t think so No problem I’m afraid not. Certainly/sure. Yes, I think so

Foods to give you energy Foods to grow bones and muscle Foods that give fibre for digetion and health
energy food/ slow energy foods
Body-building foods
Rice sugarNoodles potatoesspaghetti Butter cream oilsnuts Meat EggsCheese Milktofu All vegetables (eg beans, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, cabbage,…)All friut (eg apples, peaches, pear, orange, lemons.


Use sentences structures in this unit to complete this project.
Invent a new kind of drink (cold or hot) or food
Think of a name for it, and write a recipe ( 烹饪) to tell someone how to make it , explainhow it wiill taste.
Write a sign to advertise the benefits of yourdrink of food and invite others to have a try.
Share your recipe with your group . Then decide which of the group recipes sounds the most delious and healthiest

Learning tip
When you buy items in packets or tins, you need to look at the side of the packet or tin. It will tell you how much energy-giving food, body-building food and fibre there is in your tin or packet. You will also learn more words and expressions connected with food You can use this information to help you have a healthier diet as well as increase your vocabulary.
主持人Marrykay and Michelle
手机: 13798311026

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